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Aggregating and Viewing Logs

Sample Dashboard

Now that our data is parsed into useful fields, we can aggregate and summarize it. A dashboard is a set of widgets that show messages, counts, or aggregations.

Here is an example dashboard that shows:

  • the number of NPS log messages received over time
  • the most frequently logged
    • FullyQualifedUserName
    • PacketType
    • ReasonCode
    • ClientFriendlyName
    • ClientIPAddress
    • Source
    • EAPFriendlyName
    • NPPolicyName
    • ProxyPolicyName
  • the most recently received messages matching the filter criteria

Dashboards also provide an easy way to "drill down". By clicking on a value in an aggregation, we can exclude or include messages matching that field value.

Creating Dashboards

In this example, we'll aggregate the top n values of FullyQualifedUserName

  • Navigate to Dashboards and click Create new dashboard
  • Click on the Create button
  • Click on Aggregation
  • Click the Edit button on the empty aggregation

  • In the Query field, enter this query and click the Search button

    EventSource:IAS AND _exists_:FullyQualifedUserName

    This query ensures that

    1. we only aggregate logs from NPS (EventSource:IAS)
    2. we only try to aggregate messages that actually include this field (_exists_:FullyQualifedUserName)
  • Under Group By, add the FullyQualifedUserName field

    • Set the limit to a reasonable value (15, for example)
  • Under Metrics, choose the "Count" Function and select the gl2_message_id field

    • This causes matching messages to be counted exactly once, as gl2_message_id is unique for each message
  • Click Update preview to test your aggregation

  • If you are satisfied, click Update widget
  • Create additional widgets for each property you wish to aggregate


Be sure to save your dashboard before you navigate away from the page or close your browser!

  • Configure
  • Ingest
  • Process
  • Aggregate